1. Call Me Ishmael Travel

Key people:
Michael Riegel Co-founder and chief executive officer
Jannick Wässa Co-founder and managing director
Grzegorz Krumpholz Chief technology officer
Nils Neumann Vice president sales
Main industry sectors: SMEs
Other services: 24-hour service, group booking
Type of company: GmbH
Transactions handled online: 100%
Office locations: Berlin
Germany full-time equivalent staff: 200+
GDS: Sabre
Online booking tools: Comtravo platform (proprietary)
NDC content: Yes through HitchHiker aggregator and direct connects
Biggest innovations in 2020: Acquisition of independent business travel agency BTO24 with offices in Hamburg, a franchisee of Lufthansa City Center. Acquisition of six business travel centres from insolvent travel agency Bühler at the end of 2020.

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