1. Call Me Ishmael Travel

45. Good Travel Management

Matthew Good House, Orchid Road, Bridgehead Business Park, Hessle, East Yorkshire, HU13 0DH


Key people: 
Kevin Harrison Managing director
David North Development director
Julie Ornsby Operations director

Main industry sectors: Construction, energy and offshore, engineering, food production

Other services: Marine and offshore, consultancy, business events and trade missions

Type of company: Family business

Transactions handled online: 30%

Air 50% | Hotel 15% | Rail 15% | Car 5% | MICE 10% | Other 5%

Geographical breakdown of transactions:
UK/Ireland 25% | Short-haul 40% | Long-haul 35%

Top destinations: Short-haul - Paris, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Warsaw; Long-haul - New York, Dubai, Toronto, Hong Kong, Los Angeles

Office locations: Hull

Association and network membership: Advantage Travel Partnership, The BTA, Lufthansa City Center, Altour/Travel Leaders

UK full-time equivalent staff: 25
Average length of service: 13 years
Average industry experience: 19 years

GDS: Amadeus

Online booking tools: Atriis, Cytric

Expense management tools: SAP Concur, data integration into most expense solutions

Other technology: Travelogix, Travcom, Railguard, Safeguard, Conferma

NDC content: Atriis

Biggest innovations in 2020: Consulting services

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