1. Call Me Ishmael Travel

Omnia Travel


Monseigneur Ladeuzeplein 15, BE-3000 Leuven, Belgium


Key people: 
Jan van Steen General manager
Sabine Loots Head of sales
Erwin Willems Business travel sales
Eveline Steevens Business travel sales
Philip Claessens Xpert travel technology & NDC

Main industry sectors: All

Other services: Group travel, leisure travel, MICE

Type of company: Part of KBC Group

Office locations: Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent, Leuven

Full-time equivalent staff: 100 (group)

GDS: Amadeus

Online booking tools: Omnia GO (Atriis)

Other technology: MyOmniaTravel portal, Koedia hotels database

NDC content: Via Omnia GO

Biggest innovations in 2020: Launch of the Omnia GO booking tool

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